
I sincerely believe that it is far more beneficial and far less costly to help a child build confidence than it is to fix an adult who has little or none.

The power of love

on January 10, 2014

It doesn’t matter who you are or what age we are.  We all need love.  Boys and girls, men and women from ages 0 to 110!  Everyone!  Everywhere!  What have you done today that shows your loved ones how much you love them?

FRIENDSHIP tiny dogs hugging






Did you give someone a hug?

dogs gossiping






Did you tell someone how much you love them?


Did you smile at someone?

2 baby huskies

Did you visit a friend?

dog and pancakes

Did you cook someone a special meal?

FRIENDSHIP little dog playing chess

Did you spend time with someone?

People don’t always know that we love them.  We have to show them or tell them.  Even if you have never done this, start now, because it is important.   If you have never received love, it may be hard for you to give love to other people but you can still learn how.  It may be hard at first, but it gets easier and it gives you a really awesome feeling.   Just start with a hug, a warm touch on the shoulder, a gentle pat on the back.  Then add some loving words, “Thank you for helping me.  I appreciate you.  You are wonderful.  I love you.”  Look at yourself in the mirror and practice saying these statements out loud.   Then the next step is saying them to the people around you.  You CAN do it!

Love is powerful.  Once you are able to communicate love with your words and actions, it will make you feel good inside and help you build great relationships.   Love is not something we are supposed to keep to ourselves, it is something we are supposed to give away.  So give lots to others and you will be sure to get some back.  What are you waiting for?  Spread some love around!  Start your own love revolution!


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